96/a unified searchbox

kshitija bhosale
2 min readFeb 20, 2023

Ok here’s an idea —a search/quick actions bar but it’s synced with all your workspaces. It can run commands BUT more so, the concept is to let you find stuff you’ve written in your google drive files, your notion, your word docs, anywhere! 😂 It’s a unified search bar, you type in your keywords and it brings up all the files on your computer/online synced workspaces and you can take it from there. No need to wait for a specific program to open; you can type ctrl + / (we ca work on the exact command prompt later but you get the idea) and start work super fast.

The idea came as a hybrid of the search bar feature in Notion and the quick actions menu in Figma. Since all your workspaces and files will be searchable, quickly firing up the quick actions menu, looking for any texts and jumping to that file will be so much more easier and intuitive for your workflow.

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