125/Coding in 2023?

kshitija bhosale
2 min readMar 21, 2023
thank you Cristi for this beautiful take on careers and growing up and finding new things to be when you discover new things, which is truly a lifelong thing and something not talked about often <3

I’m a designer, and apart from ‘hello world!’ I don’t know much about coding. Oh, and I can’t print that; I have no idea how or where you do that 😂 I know names of stuff like React.js and HTML and CSS and Python. The general knowledge things. Now, I know I don’t need to code to design, but I know it helps. I’m not too clear on how except for the logical explanation that if I can code as well as design, when I design I know what’s feasible and possible.

I’m not looking to get into software dev, I want to learn code purely for design, so web development, front-end, UI tools and the likes. I would like to code up my own website, the stuff I can create in Figma, but never through website templates and no-code tools.

I’m a self-learner; I don’t know how big the culture of tuitions and extra classes there is outside of home, but in India, everyone goes to tuitions after school. I never went and studied on my own. I think it’s one of those things that made me realise how much I like learning things on my own time and speed, and I was better for it. I grew up picking and learning to do so, so many things on my own, including design. And now maybe code. I have a mindset that I can do anything I want at least half as decently and it’s worked out well because I know a little about a lot, and the things I really liked, I chose to dive deep in. I’m excited about this!

Now, I’ve wanted to do this for a while but I’d been pushing it away. While I was on my quest to find people and designers and creatives that inspire me, I came across Christian Cretu and I wandered off studying his beautiful site and found his blog. And there it was. ‘Learning Web Development in 2021’. Yes I know I’m a little late to the article but hey, better late than never right?

Rather than be overwhelmed by the sea of resources out there, and being so unaware that I won’t be able to tell the gold apart from the trash, I’m going to follow this blog and start this journey. I want to develop Figma plugins someday — more than just the idea and design of it, and this is going to be so much help.

Going through the rest of his website and having an absolute treat whilst listening to Domino by Jessie J! Here’s the link for you! https://t.co/c3B0iIWhTZ

